Vibe Blog

The 6 most common questions about Decaf Coffee Beans and Decaf Coffee

Because we receive so many questions from our customers on decaf coffee beans and decaf coffee in general, we thought it would be a good ideal to share with  you the top 6 most common questions we get asked and provide reasearched answers for each. #1.  Is Decaf Coffee OK for Pregnancy? The short answer…

What makes great coffee beans?

Every coffee bean retailer says their beans are the best but what does that mean to customers?  And more importantly, what does great coffee beans look like for people wanting to purchase coffee beans so as to have great tasting coffee in their home? Characteristics of great coffee beans: To help break down the meaning…

Roasted Decaf Coffee Beans – why is decaf coffee important for many people

We at Vibe Coffee see all types of coffee tastes, likes and dislikes.  The one thing we see commonly is the sheer joy from customers who love our decaf coffee beans.  There is a clear passion and need for a high quality decaf coffee bean. But why is that?  The Marketing/PR machine does a very…

Coffee bean bags need a single way valve to ensure coffee bean freshness

The way coffee beans are packaged can influence its freshness, its aroma and flavour!  Not all coffee bean bags are created equal. Roasters pride themself on the care they take in preparing coffee beans so as to capture the full flavour and aroma coffee beans possess.  However without the right packaging, the freshness of roasted…

Decaf Coffee Beans using the Mountain Water Process to remove caffeine – how it works

Decaffeinated coffee has a checkered history when it comes to producing rich aromas and flavours which is why many coffee connoisseurs keep away from this option.    Technology and advanced techniques has come along way and today, people can purchase decaf coffee beans that are as tasty as their caffeinated counterparts. But what are the…

Iced Long Black – Getting your espresso fix this summer

Summer is coming in Australia.  And even though the temperatures will be rising, this does not change your need and desire to get your daily caffeine fix.  So what can you do?  The answer is to find cool espresso drinks that tickle your taste buds and keep you cool. One of the most popular and…

Great Vibes coming from our Great Customers

Even though we are always busy serving our customers and conjuring up new ways to make great Espresso and Chai products, we also take a moment to reflect on the amazing comments that come through from our customers.  We thought, why not share some of those comments and the products they are talking about. Nespresso…

What is a Dirty Chai Latte and how to make this drink at home?

Creating a Dirty Chai Latte masterpiece in your own home is not as difficult as you think.  Read on to learn how you can become a Dirty Chai Latte connoisseur. What is a Dirty Chai Latte? A Dirty Chai is a chai latte mixed together with a shot of espresso.  The espresso can be delivered…

How to make a Café style Flat White at home

It’s great to be able to rock on up to your local café and grab a Flat White to kick start your day.  But what happens when you want one at home?  How easy is it to make and what do you need to make a café-like Flat White? The Vibe Coffee team have put…

What is a Butter Coffee and learn why Harry Styles says it keeps him fit and healthy

A Butter Coffee, also known as a Bullet Coffee, has become popular because of the low carb diet trends requiring a mix of high fat, low carb, foods and beverages. It also doesn’t hurt when Harry Styles has gone to press telling everyone he swears drinking bullet coffee helps him stay fit and healthy. What…