Vibe Blog

Which Nespresso® Coffee Pod Machines can fit Chai Latte pods?

Our amazing Vibe support team takes calls, has live chats, and emails daily, asking many questions.  But one of the more questions is… Which Nespresso® pod machines fit Chai Latte pods? The short and easy answer to this question is to look at the list of Nespresso® Coffee Pod machines below. They all fit Vibe’s…

Which Nespresso® Coffee Pod Machines can fit Matcha Tea pods?

Our amazing Vibe support team takes calls, has live chats, and emails daily, asking many questions.  But one of the more questions is… Which Nespresso® pod machines fit Matcha Tea pods? The short and easy answer to this question is to have a look at the list of Nespresso® Coffee Pod machines below.   They all…

Which Nespresso® Coffee Pod Machines can fit Hot Chocolate pods?

Our amazing Vibe support team takes calls, has live chats, and emails daily, asking many questions.  But one of the more questions is… Which Nespresso® pod machines fit hot chocolate pods? The short and easy answer to this question is to have a look at the list of Nespresso® Coffee Pod machines below.   They all…

Nespresso® Alternative Pods – Can I buy third party Nespresso® pods

One of the most common questions we receive is, what alternative pods are out there for Nespresso® Coffee Pod Machines? Are there alternative pods available for people to purchase, and can these pods fit my Nespresso® Coffee Pod Machine? The short answer is YES! This is what we do!   Let’s break down this question for…

Dirty Chai – the top 5 Health Benefits

Did you ever wonder what is going on in your body as you are consuming a delicious Dirty Chai?  The Vibe Guru’s have researched this question and have identified a series of health benefits.   What makes up a Dirty Chai? We have already written an article specifically on what is a Dirty Chai and…

Hot Chocolate – 5 interesting historical facts

While you sit back, relax and stay warm with your Hot Chocolate, we have found 5 interesting facts about the history of this yummy hot drink! Real Fact #1:  Hot Chocolate dates back thousands of years: Chocolate was originally consumed in liquid form.  They didn’t have Mars Bars back then:) The first historical sign of…

What makes a Chai Latte authentic?

Many people have heard of the Chai Latte, but most Australians are used to what’s found in their local cafe. But did you ever wonder what an authentic Chai Latte looks and tastes like? A Chai Latte consists of black tea, spices, and your choice of milk (typically heated). Since Chai originated in and can…

What is the difference between Hot Chocolate Pods and Hot Cocoa Pods?

A common question we get from our customers is, “What’s the difference between Hot Chocolate Pods and Hot Cocoa Pods?”  Are they same thing or are they different? These two titles are often used to describe the same drink so we understand the question and the confusion.  We thought it best to create an article…

Matcha Tea – the 6 most asked questions about this popular tea

Because we now offer Matcha Tea in a Nespresso® Compatible Pod (capsule) we now receive a high volume of questions about this popular tea. To help educate our customers we wanted to share the most common questions that come through our support team. What is difference between matcha and green tea? They are more similar than…

The top 5 health benefits of Matcha Tea

Matcha Tea powder now comes is in Nespresso® compatible pods, which simply means it will fit in Nespresso® Coffee Pod machines. For those of you who have never heard of it before, the reason for its popularity is partly due to the known health benefits that can be gained if Matcha Tea becomes a consistent…